What Cancer cant do.....

Cancer cannot cripple love; it actually makes it overflow.

Cancer cannot corrode faith; it actually strengthens faiths convictions.

Cancer cannot shatter hope; it actually clarifies what hope is for.

Cancer cannot silence courage; it actually gives us a voice.

Cancer cannot conquer the spirit; because our spirit keeps fighting.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rainy Days

We finally had some rainfall here in sunny California about 1". I slept so great listening to the rain against the windows "pitter patter", the tap tap tap of raindrops. I snuggled under my down comforter the pillow wrapped around my head I fell into a deep restorative sleep. The next morning I woke much later than usual it was a Saturday morning and everyone should have a day just to lie in. I didn't have any appointments and decided it was a great day to turn the radio up loud and clean house. I slowly rose from my bed, grabbed my glasses from the night stand and slipped my feet into my fuzzy slippers. As I was putting on my glasses while walking toward the bathroom mirror I was startled at what a mess my hair was, all twisted and standing on end above my ears and a mohawk of some sort running down the top of my head. If it was orange I would of looked like an oompa loompa from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I grabbed a brush and tried to tame it down, that didnt work. No worries I thought I am only going to clean house and I will shower later. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went to the closet and grabbed a bandana to match my jammies. (I always clean in my jammies no reason to double the laundry). I returned to the mirror to tie on the bandana around my mop of unruly hair. As I tied the knot in the back and secured the scarf around my forehead I checked the mirror for a once over. I nearly dropped to my knees, my stomach started to churn, I began to break out in a cold sweat. My eyes began to burn, it was me......looking exactly how I had while going through Chemotherapy. I had blocked those days from my memory and here they were again rising to the surface. I took off the head scarf and ran my fingers through my messy hair. Thank God for bad hair days!
After  I had a good strong cup of coffee turned up the radio I soon cleared my mind with good old sweating to the oldies while dusting and vacuuming and rearranging furniture. My strength had certainly returned. After a while the house was spic and span time for a nice hot shower. I was going  to put on a big bulky sweater and leggings and sit on the sofa and read a good book. I just love Saturdays like this, don't you?
I jumped in the hot shower steam rising up over the shower doors and into the air. I scrubbed my face then poured a nice glob of volumizing shampoo into my hand and rubbed it into my hair, I love that feeling, the hair slipping around my hands as I swirl and rub my head. Thank God my hair grew back!
As I finished showering and rinsed off I grabbed a big fluffly towel that I wrapped around my big fluffly  body.

Slicked my hair back with a comb and began the ritual of drying off and lotioning up.(This takes a while, there is a lot of ground to cover if you know what I mean). As I began to dress staring in the mirror I am reminded again of the effects of Cancer. Yes I had two lady bumps one had been reconstructed and had an implant the other had a reduction and lift to match the size and shape of the new boob. Still fresh with  the scars from a surgery I had had less than four months ago.

This will never go away, the memories the feelings, the scars both mentally and physically. All I can do is Thank God I am still here!
So my house is clean, so am I, all dressed hair dried and styled, time to relax and read a good book.
Always your Breast friend,
Janie Kay

 This is my Surgeon who truly has been a great support to me, no pun intended. He was honest and explained all the different avenues that a person could take after having a mastectomy. Breast reconstruction is a very personal choice and not right for everyone. "You will never have perfect breasts, but you will feel and look better in your clothes". Thank God for Dr Alex Lechtman!

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